October 1984
The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) newsletter from October 1988 discusses various objectives for the association in the upcoming year, including increasing membership, improving conditions in the neighborhood, organizing events for residents, and enforcing covenants related to the deve...
September 1984
The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) newsletter dated September 25, 1984, includes information on the annual request for contributions, updates on revised bylaws featuring membership categories and an increased number of directors, financial reports, and details on how contributions are...
May 1984
The annual meeting of the Sandia Heights Homeowners Association is scheduled to elect twelve directors, amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and discuss other pertinent matters. A proxy form is enclosed to facilitate dissenting votes from resident-owners unable to attend the meeting, with...
April 1984
The newsletter from April 7, 1984, discusses important upcoming events such as the "Meet the Candidates" meeting on May 5, 1984, and the general Sandia Heights Homeowners Association Meeting/Election on June 2, 1984. There is a focus on the proposed new SHHA by-laws, the issue surrounding the La Cue...GRIT Archive
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.