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The August 2006 newsletter starts by announcing the annual Sandia Heights Community Picnic at the Sandia Heights Four Seasons Pool and Tennis Club, featuring entertainment like a live band and wolves, with a special guest appearance by the Albuquerque Police security helicopter. It also mentions the SHHA Coffeehouse event with the Santa Cruz River Band set for September 30th, sharing details about the band members and the musical program to be expected. Another significant highlight includes an update on a Cell Phone Tower request from T-Mobile, initially supported but later rescinded due to objections from residents, prompting a public hearing.
Residents of Sandia Heights are urged to be mindful of their pets' behavior while sharing trails with others, emphasizing that not everyone may be comfortable around dogs. Dog owners are advised to carry a leash, control their pets, and clean up after them to ensure a pleasant experience for all trail users. Additionally, residents with dogs that bark excessively are encouraged to consider using no-bark devices and can contact Bernalillo County Department of Animal Control and Protection for complaints about noisy animals. The SHHA office also stresses the importance of proper trash disposal to prevent animals from accessing it and advises on classified ad placements and office hours.
Keywords: classified ads, wolves, trash disposal, SHHA Coffeehouse, Animal behavior on trails, Sandia Heights Community Picnic, security helicopter, office hours, T-Mobile, Cell Phone Tower, Celtic Coyotes performance, Bernalillo County Department of Animal Control and Protection, SHHA newsletter, Community Service & Membership Committee, conservation group, Wildflower Club, no-bark devices, Santa Cruz River Band, letter to the editor, annual picnic, dog barking complaints, public hearing, architectural control committee, GRIT, Albuquerque Police, dogs in Sandia Foothills., Church of the Good Shepherd.
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.