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The December 2008 newsletter from Sandia Heights Homeowners Association highlights the busy year of SHHA, with various community initiatives such as zoning and resurfacing projects. The Association encouraged greater community involvement and recognized key contributors. The document also emphasized the importance of volunteer participation to address the numerous projects and tasks the Association handles, including over 500 renovation projects that were reviewed by the ACC. Financially, the SHHA reported good standing with positive cash flow and asset balances.
Residents are advised on the disposal of Christmas trees by taking them to the Eagle Rock Landfill Transfer station for mulching or cutting them in half if taller than 6 feet to put out with regular trash. In gardening tips, a cautionary tale is shared about using coffee grounds sparingly in flower beds after an experiment showing negative effects from excessive use. Additionally, a root rot issue with Penstemon plants is discussed, with the State of New Mexico Agriculture Extension Service recommending the use of Nitrate nitrogen and proper water management to combat Fusarium wilt/root rot. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year are conveyed from the SHHA office.
Christmas tree disposal, coffee grounds in flower beds, root rot in Penstemon plants, Fusarium wilt, Nitrate nitrogen, water management.
Keywords: volunteer opportunities, architectural control, tram passes, Parks & Safety Committee, volunteerism, Holiday season, newsletter advertising, SHHA initiatives., Committee activity log, financial report, renovation projects, covenant enforcement, photo contest, safety vests, community involvement, community events, pedestrian safety
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.