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The December 2013 newsletter begins with an overview of the November 9 Special Meeting where four proposed Bylaws Amendments were approved, and officer elections for the 2013-2014 operational year were outlined. Additionally, the newsletter announces a Roadrunner Holiday Food Drive encouraging residents to contribute non-perishable food items to help those in need during the holidays. The upcoming SHHA Annual Meeting, scheduled for February 8, 2014, is detailed, featuring various activities including the introduction of new officers, presentations by committee chairs, and a town hall meeting for members to express concerns. Furthermore, on December 2-6, Sandia Heights Services will provide free GREEN WASTE PICKUP for residents, and the Sandia Heights Security Patrol offers holiday safety tips to prevent theft during the festive season.
The newsletter discusses pedestrian safety reminders, emphasizing the importance of safety tips for walkers and joggers, including walking facing traffic, wearing reflective clothing, and carrying a light during darker hours. It also addresses the improper storage of trash and recycle bins, reminding residents to store them out of public view to maintain the community's beauty. Additionally, it provides guidance on submitting ACC project applications, particularly in emergency situations, encouraging prompt repairs but stressing the need for approval for non-emergency upgrades to prevent issues later on.
Keywords: Officer Elections, dining activity, Sandia Heights Security Patrol, SHHA Board., Green Waste Pickup, Roadrunner Holiday Food Drive, Covenants, Holiday Safety Tips, Tram Passes, Sandia Heights, Membership Cards, Lessons and Carols service, residential housing, Christmas tree disposal, community events, ACC project applications, Online GRIT Newsletter., trash and recycle bins, Coffeehouse Concert Series, Bylaws Amendments, community beauty, SHHA Annual Meeting, emergency situations, pedestrian safety, barbershop singing
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.