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The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) newsletter from March 2018 provides a detailed account of the outgoing President's contributions, office security upgrades, and recruitment efforts for new board and committee members by Joe Pappe. It also includes annual reports from various committee chairs, such as the Treasurer discussing budget results and the Covenant Support Committee detailing complaint handling in 2017. Other sections cover Security Patrol statistics, member benefits, and updates from different committees like Parks and Safety, ACC activity log, and Community Service and Membership Committee.
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of Sandia Heights Homeowners Association manages the architectural control process for all SHHA units, approving changes in property appearance, conducting neighborhood reviews, and striving for quick decisions on applications. In 2017, 276 applications were approved, with the ACC actively involved in new community developments and attending county meetings on zoning changes impacting the area. The ACC will continue informing residents about PNM rate hikes, wastewater ordinance changes, and the progress of developments like North Tramway Estates and Hawks Landing.
Residents of Sandia Heights can participate in various community activities such as the Sandia Heights Artists studio art tour, the UNM Health Sciences Center Orchestra's call for amateur musicians, and the Sandia Heights "Cork & Fork" dining activity. Additionally, opportunities include joining the New Mexico Symphonic Youth Chorus for young singers in grades 4 through 12. The community also offers church worship services, neighborhood dining groups, and an array of services and resources available through the SHHA Office. Keywords: Architectural Control Committee, community developments, artists tour, musicians recruitment, dining activity, youth chorus, church services, community resources.
Keywords: Parks and Safety Committee, SHHA newsletter, budget results, member benefits, annual reports, recruitment efforts, Security Patrol statistics, complaint handling, ACC activity log, Community Service and Membership Committee., outgoing President, office security upgrades
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.