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The July 2022 newsletter begins with a reminder about the unprecedented fire season and the closure of the Sandia Mountain Ranger District until mid-July due to the high fire risk. It emphasizes the importance of fire safety, discouraging the use of fireworks and providing guidance on outdoor activities in the area. The newsletter also addresses complaints about barking dogs, advising residents to report such issues to Bernalillo County for appropriate action. Additionally, it raises awareness about the dangers of hot asphalt for pets' paws during summer and provides contact information for various emergencies and services.
Residents are reminded in this newsletter to stay cautious around rattlesnakes in the area, should an encounter occur. Tips are shared on how to handle a snake bite emergency and preventive measures to avoid such incidents. Additionally, practical hacks for keeping homes cool during the sweltering summer months are provided, including advice on using blinds, ceiling fans, and even a bowl of ice in front of a fan for a makeshift cooler. Other useful suggestions touch on sheet choices, room ventilation, and outdoor cooking to lower indoor temperatures.
The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association expresses strong opposition to proposed developments in the Elena Gallegos open space, highlighting concerns over potential negative impacts on the natural habitat, wildlife, and local residents. Results from surveys conducted on residents' opinions reveal widespread resistance toward new constructions and road widening. The SHHA advocates for preserving the area in its current state, with a focus on maintaining existing trails and natural surroundings to uphold the essence of open space and nature appreciation. Keywords: rattlesnakes, snake bite prevention, home cooling tips, Elena Gallegos development opposition, Sandia Heights residents' survey, preserving open space.
Keywords: fire season, emergency contacts, ACC activity log., closure, barking dogs, fire safety, fireworks, security patrol, hot asphalt, Bernalillo County, snake safety
Kate Fry
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.