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The December 2021 newsletter from Sandia Heights Homeowners Association informs residents about upcoming changes, including an increase in SHHA membership dues and tram pass pricing. The newsletter also announces the virtual 2022 annual meeting and introduces a candidate for the SHHA Board of Directors. Additionally, a reminder is given regarding the proper storage of trash bins to comply with Sandia Heights Covenants. Residents are encouraged to return bins out of public view after collection, following specified timings to avoid attracting bears.
The December 2021 newsletter of The GRIT provides a detailed overview of various winter holidays celebrated worldwide, including Yule, Christmas, Zarathosht-no-Diso, Boxing Day, Feast of the Holy Family, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve traditions from different cultures. Additionally, it features a fun fact about Albuquerque's unique Christmas lights decorations, known as luminarias or farolitos depending on the regional dialect, adding charm to the festive season with traditional paper sacks and candles.
In another section, the newsletter shares a summary of approved projects by the ACC since the last publication, detailing activities like door replacements, roof installations, window replacements, landscaping, garage additions, and other maintenance tasks undertaken within the community. Furthermore, an announcement about the Sandia Heights "Cork & Fork" dining activity resuming its bimonthly dinners, where residents participate in themed meals hosted by members in a casual and enjoyable setting, enhancing community engagement. Keywords: Winter holidays, Cultural traditions, Albuquerque Christmas lights, Approved projects, ACC activity log, Cork & Fork dining, Community events.
Keywords: Treasurer notices, SHHA Board Annual Meeting, Attendance Procedures, and SHHA Member Benefits., Holiday Celebrations, Trash Bin storage, Board Member Candidate, Feeding Deer Risks, Security Patrol Calls
Roger Hagengruber
Elizabeth Edgren
Randy Tripp
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.