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The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) newsletter from July-August 2003 covers significant accomplishments and updates within the community. The Board of Directors achieved milestones such as approving new By-laws, participating in the Sandia Pueblo settlement, and contributing $19,000 to Cedar Hill Park for development. The newsletter also mentions newly elected board members and highlights the successful transition of duties to the new officers. Additionally, the Covenant Support Committee addressed violations, and the Parks & New Development Committee focused on coordinating efforts for Cedar Hill Park and addressing maintenance issues in the community. Initial keyword: By-laws, Cedar Hill Park, Covenant violations, New Development Committee.
In the Treasurer's Report, it is noted that the SHHA had a surplus this year, thanks to increased advertising income and lowered production costs for publications like The Grit. The report discusses major expenses, including Gross Receipts Tax on advertising income and a $19,000 donation towards the construction of Cedar Hill Park. The report also mentions the transition to a new Treasurer, Cheryl Iverson. Moreover, the Architectural Control Committee approved numerous construction projects and renovations in Sandia Heights, with a significant focus on ensuring compliance with restrictive covenants. Keywords: Gross Receipts Tax, Cedar Hill Park donation, Architectural Control Committee.
The newsletter addresses the consistent covenants across units within the community, focusing on structuring guidelines for walls, fences, and constructions in compliance with setback measurements and property lines. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) has been actively ensuring that project applications adhere to the covenants' spirit and intent, including conducting neighborhood reviews for new construction or remodeling projects. The ACC also developed internal guidelines for evaluating harmony, storage sheds, and dealt with the increasing number of applications for walls and fences, emphasizing the importance of owners' involvement in covenant revisions and approval processes. Keywords: covenants, Architectural Control Committee, setback measurements, neighborhood reviews, storage sheds.
Furthermore, the Traffic, Safety, & Environment Committee's efforts include environmental protection, traffic safety measures, and community involvement in road maintenance and speed control initiatives. The committee highlights achievements such as distributing signs for pet waste cleanup, preventing erosion, and advocating for traffic calming measures like speed humps. Residents are encouraged to participate in requesting traffic surveys and signing petitions for safety improvements while the committee addresses concerns about trimming vegetation along roadways and legal access to trails. Keywords: Traffic, Safety, & Environment Committee, environmental protection, speed humps, road maintenance, trail access, natural gas service.
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.