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The newsletter includes legal updates regarding the Pueblo of Sandia vs. Bruce Babbitt et al, focusing on an ongoing case involving land disputes and governmental entities. Additionally, there are announcements about community events and initiatives, such as the SHHA Spring Fling at Elena Gallegos Park and updates on wildlife conservation efforts like BearWatch. Various service providers and community reports are also featured, along with advertisements for local businesses and real estate professionals.
Announcement for the next SHHA board meeting on Wednesday, May 10th, 1995, at the Paseo Norte Fire Station. The Forest Service reported on fire prevention measures, advising residents to create defensible space around their homes and be cautious with campfires. Residents are encouraged to clear debris and maintain a safe buffer zone. In other news, a classified section includes listings for various services such as pet grooming and dance classes.
Forest Service, Fire Prevention, Defensible Space, Classifieds, Pet Grooming, Dance Classes
Keywords: SHHA Spring Fling, Bruce Babbitt, Elena Gallegos Park, BearWatch, land disputes, legal updates, wildlife conservation, service providers, governmental entities, local advertisements., local businesses, Pueblo of Sandia, Baha'i Faith, community initiatives, community reports, real estate professionals, community events, Bernalillo County
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If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.