GRIT Issues

Grit June 2018 image

June 2018

The newsletter covers various important topics. First, it addresses water conservation and restrictions in Bernalillo County, emphasizing the limitations on outdoor watering with sprinklers between certain hours and encouraging practices like composting, rainwater collection, and using high-efficien...
Water Conservation & Restrictions
Community Services & Membership Committee Survey Coming
Hugh Prather
Dead Tree Cutting & Removal
Fireworks Are Prohibited in Sandia Heights
GRIT in Living Color
Susan McCasland
Sandia Heights Lighting
Tips on Draining Swimming Pools, Etc.
Bob Bower
Summer Is Here
Keep Bears Wild and Co-Existing with Sandia Heights Wildlife
Grit May 2018 image

May 2018

The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association emphasizes the importance of identifying and serving the evolving needs of the community in the new term. Efforts are underway to understand these needs through break-out sessions, a resident survey, and community service initiatives. Particularly, a focus i...
An Additional Call for Volunteers
Susan McCasland
Open Burning Ban for Unincorporated Bernalillo County
An Evacuation Plan for Sandia Heights - Looking for Volunteers!
Bob Bower
Are We Ready for the Conflagration?
Keith Julian
Speeding in Sandia Heights - An Object Lesson
Susan McCasland
Message from the President
Woody Farber
Sandia Heights Community Event - Tramway Trash Cleanup
Grit April 2018 image

April 2018

Increase security in your neighborhood by forming a Neighborhood Watch program, which can be established on a block-by-block basis or within a specific unit like Sandia Heights. The program, in partnership with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, aims to help residents organize to reduce and eli...
File a Bernalillo County Complaint Online, by Phone, or In-Person
Drones: An Update
Bob Thomas
Wildfire Preparedness
Bob Bower
You Can Increase Security in Your Neighborhood by Forming…
Grit March 2018 image

March 2018

The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) newsletter from March 2018 provides a detailed account of the outgoing President's contributions, office security upgrades, and recruitment efforts for new board and committee members by Joe Pappe. It also includes annual reports from various committe...
Annual Reports 2018
Grit February 2018 image

February 2018

The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association's February 2018 newsletter emphasizes the importance of reviewing written reports prior to the Annual Association meeting, with a focus on preparing questions to facilitate efficient handling of business matters. The newsletter also addresses community upkee...
2018 SHHA Annual Meeting
White Roofs in Sandia Heights
Bob Bower
Emergency Road and Winter Operation Procedures for 2018
Sandia Peak Tramway Pass Procedure for SHHA Homeowner Members
CSC Covenant Reminder
Ruth Haas
Looking Good, Sandia Heights!
GRIT Needs More Community Specific Information
Grit January 2018 image

January 2018

The January 2018 newsletter covers a variety of topics, including the announcement of the 2018 SHHA Annual Meeting with a non-traditional approach, a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr., an overview of CSC legal actions and violations, a call for preparedness for emergencies, a guide on making Biscoch...
Summary of ACC Articles Published in 2017
Bob Bower
Start the New Year with a New Mexico Recipe Tradition
CSC Legal Action
Judy Chreist
Not Your Father's SHHA Annual Meeting
Trash Cans
Grit December 2017 image

December 2017

The December 2017 newsletter begins with a warm welcome to nine new SHHA Board members who joined during October and November to address a critical shortage in board membership. The new volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, hold a commitment to bring fresh ideas, and promise a collaborative appr...
Receiving Too Much "Junk"?
Trailers, Boats, RVs, and Commercial Trucks?
Susan Seligman
BernCo Will Install Smoke Detectors…Free
Holiday Lighting Safety Tips
How to Really Enjoy Our Wonderful Fall Temperatures
Marion Simon
Welcome New SHHA Board Members!
Emily Rudin
Trash Cans
Beware: Don’t Use Rodent Poison on Your Property
Grit November 2017 image

November 2017

The November 2017 newsletter brings attention to the SHHA's need for volunteers to fill Board positions, emphasizing the potential consequences of dissolution and the importance of adjusting Bylaws to sustain the Association. The President's series of columns highlight the positive response from mem...
Review of How the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Works
Bob Bower
Dying Piñons in Sandia Heights
Robert Trucksa
Weeds and Landscaping
Dick Wavrik
Don't Let Your Water Pipes Freeze!
Bob Bower
Don't Be a Turkey
Dick Wavrik
New Security Signs Posted in Sandia Heights
Emily Rudin
We Want to Hear from You!
Bob Bower
SHHA Is Not a Property Manager
Note from the President: Fourth in a Series
Joe Pappe
We Want to Hear from You!
Grit October 2017 image

October 2017

The newsletter discusses the urgent need for volunteers to step up and fill vacant positions on the Board of Directors due to potential dissolution of the Association by the end of the year if the required minimum number of Directors is not met. It highlights the impact on services like Architectura...
What Is a Single Family?
Dick Wavrik
Wanted: New Chair for Communications and Publications Committee
Emily Rudin
Note from the President: Third in a Series
Joe Pappe
Another Perspective on the Attempted Domestication of Wild Animals
Jan Randall
Grit September 2017 image

September 2017

The Sandia Heights Homeowners Association urges its members to volunteer to sustain the community's services and operations. The President emphasizes the need for new volunteers to replace outgoing Board members to avoid halting services and ensure property values remain stable. Additionally, the Ar...
Choosing Your Contractor
Bob Bower
New Color Reference to Better Meet Your Needs!
Emily Rudin
Questions and Answers About Your Covenants
Policies for Member Feedback
Note from the President: Second in a Series
Joe Pappe
Grit August 2017 image

August 2017

The President of the Sandia Heights Homeowners Association shares concerns about the community's future as his term nears an end, emphasizing SHHA's role in preserving property values. Volunteer recruitment efforts are highlighted, stressing the need for new committee members and board nominees to p...
Fourth of July Neighborhood Parade
Erika Roesler
Help Us Help You!
Keep Your Trees Healthy!
Desert Oasis
Room Rental
Construction Courtesy & Safety in Sandia Heights
Bob Bower
Note from the President: First in a Series
Joe Pappe
Grit July 2017 image

July 2017

The newsletter addresses concerns about outdoor lighting in Sandia Heights, emphasizing the importance of abiding by Unit Covenants and Bernalillo County Ordinance to minimize light pollution. While acknowledging the need for home security, the SHHA encourages residents to consider alternatives like...
Bernalillo County Road Maintenance Services
Weeds and RVs
Joint SHHA /SHS Statement on Outdoor Lighting
Safety in Sandia Heights
Emily Rudin
Living with Bears
Sandia Mt. Bearwatch
Grit June 2017 image

June 2017

Residents of Sandia Heights are encouraged to join various committees like the Communications and Publications Committee and the Covenant Support Committee to contribute to the community. The newsletter also highlights the importance of creating a Neighborhood Watch program to enhance safety and sec...
Portable Storage Containers
Attention All Sandia Heights Residents!
There Is No Poop Fairy
Room Rental
Summer Is Here
Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
How to Increase Security in Your Unit - Create a Neighborhood Watch!
Hugh Prather
Help Us Help You!
Grit May 2017 image

May 2017

The newsletter from May 2017 highlights various community events and important information for Sandia Heights residents. It includes details about the upcoming Meet and Greet event with the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department, where residents can learn about safety resources and current activitie...
Architectural Control Committee
Bob Bower
Note from the Vice President
Emily Rudin
Covenant Support Committee (CSC) Needs Volunteers
Bernco Can Help with Light Pollution
Light Pollution
Ten Tips for Walking in Sandia Heights
Meet and Greet with Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department
Parliamentary Pointers for Effective Meetings
Janice Strand
Pack Rats - Our Sandia Heights Residents (Part 2 - Destroying the Nests)
Grit April 2017 image

April 2017

Members of the Sandia Heights Homeowners Association (SHHA) are encouraged to stay engaged throughout the year, beyond the Annual Meeting in February. Updates ensure the community is informed about evolving issues like county ordinances, safety concerns, and new construction developments. The newsle...
Procedures for Property Owners to Amend Their Unit Covenants
Just Not Enough Time
Jo Ann Hamlin
Gardening in Sandia Heights - Springtime
Marion Simon
Sandia Heights Lighting
Spring Has Sprung
Note from the Vice President
Emily Rudin
Pack Rats - Our Sandia Heights Residents (Part 1)
Grit March 2017 image

March 2017

The newsletter from March 2017 features messages from the outgoing President, Joe Pappe, expressing gratitude to volunteer board members and a call for community involvement in various committees. Reports from different officers and committees detail accomplishments such as mediation resolutions, ho...
Annual Reports 2017
Procedures for Property Owners to Amend Their Unit Covenants
Grit February 2017 image

February 2017

The February 2017 newsletter covers various topics. The first part details the officer elections for the 2017-2018 operational year, including the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. It also outlines the procedures for the Annual Meeting and the Town Hall Meeting, providing guidelin...
SHHA Annual Meeting 2017
Covenants and Emerging Technologies
Bob Thomas
Mail Theft
Living with Bobcats in Sandia Heights
Grit January 2017 image

January 2017

The January 2017 newsletter featured details on officer elections for the 2017-2018 operational year, with Joe Pappe elected as President, Emily Rudin as Vice President, Bob Bower as Secretary, and Woody Farber as Treasurer. It also outlined conduct procedures for the Annual Meeting and Town Hall, e...
SHHA Annual Meeting 2017
Covenant Support Committee (CSC) Needs Volunteers
Light Reminder
Odds & Ends from Parks & Safety Committee
Mail Theft
Winter Tips for Melting Ice and Snow
Trash Cans
Anne Manning
Grit December 2016 image

December 2016

Captain Kingsbury of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office addressed a crowd of nearly 80 attendees during the "Meet and Greet" event held at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Discussion primarily focused on security concerns in Sandia Heights, including the importance of community vigilance in ensu...
Sandia Homeowners Backyard Ski Area
Burt O'Neil
Covenant Support Committee (CSC) Needs Volunteers
Meet and Greet Success Continues with Captain Kingsbury
Fall Green Waste Collection
Holiday Lighting and Parking
Dick Wavrik
Mail Theft
Security Reminder
Snow Removal
A Letter from Your Vice President - Bob Bower
Bob Bower
Grit November 2016 image

November 2016

The November 2016 newsletter covers various topics of interest to Sandia Heights residents. It introduces new board members, provides tips on maintaining heat pumps efficiently, reminds residents of the approaching deadline for the 2017 SHHA Resident Directory updates, and emphasizes the importance...
Special Use Permits and the ACC
Bob Bower
Volunteers Needed!
Covenant Support Committee (CSC) Needs Volunteers
A Tale of Two Covenants
Dick Wavrik
If You Are a Responsible Home Owner, Do Not Read
Dick Wavrik
Bernalillo County Ordinance Regarding Animals
Roadside Mowing - Before Winter
Heat Pump Tips
Rental Property
Balloon Fiesta is Gone… and the RVs Should Be Gone
Welcome New Board Members

GRIT Archive

If you have an article you would like to submit to the SHHA GRIT Newsletter, please do so before the 10th of the month previous to the publication by contacting the C&P committee or the office.


  • Phone: (505) 797-7793
  • Fax: (505) 856-8544
  • Email:
  • Address: 12700 San Rafael NE #3
    Albuquerque, NM 87122

Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Federal Holidays: Closed
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